February 16, 2025
Prayer & Praise

dorothy m. Post
July 9, 2013
dorothymitchell289. in need of work. husband threatening to put me out of the house. he has been listening to everyone but me. took astand for righteousness sake. need your prayers and encouragement, help me if you can.
May 24, 2012
I truly Thank God for leading me to this site tonight after a conversation with a brother in Christ about my calling. I have worked in an office for over 30 years in administrative support or as an office maanger, executive assistant, etc. I lost my job a month ago. I need a source of income and do not know where God is calling me to serve. The job market is not good and difficult to find employment. I dont' want to fall into the routine of just taking a job for income. I truly believe God has pulled me out of the evil environment I was in and has given me a place and time of rest to discern where he is calling me to serve. My passion truly is in serving the Lord and in using my gifts, whether it be administrative, music, or showing mercy and love to all. God knows I need a source of income. I ask for prayers for wisdom, discernment and knowledge of God's desires and where he truly would have me serve him. I ask for prayers of protection from Satan and his schemes and his lies that I would not be decieved by this, or by the world, the flesh or by my own mind. I am very grateful for this website and pray that God would bless this ministry.
Deborah A. Post
May 15, 2012
Praise The Lord for leading me to this site! I had never heard of it before. I am in a transition time and it's been very challenging for me. Seeking prayer that The Lord will manifest His promises to me now so that I'm able to fulfil my Kingdom purposes. Thanks, Deb
Charles . Post
January 23, 2011
I just joined Christians At Work...Wow, how
long have you been around? I have been looking for something like this for a long time. Praise! The Lord has blessed all of my creative projects!;including all new books!
Jody S. Post
March 2, 2010
I'm preparing for my Home Fellowship meeting that will take place this Friday night. We have a fantastic, large, group so there are a lot of folks that rely on us to set the stage for them to meet with God. I Read an interesting article that says there is no correlation between the success of a small group and the time it takes to prep, but there's a huge correlation between growth and prayer. The more you pray, the more Gad seems to bless the growth of the group. Please join me in prayer for the Foster/Smith group as soon as you read this.
Anonymous Anonymous Post
November 9, 2009
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, my bible study group was finding it hard not to realize all the hardships we've experienced this year. It has been a tough year, but something serious has happened to just about every one of the 17 couples that attend. Please pray for God's protection on us and for Him to bind satan if he is to blame.

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